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     Syntax:        TXORIENT(<expC>)

     Purpose:       A page setup command that designates the position
                    of the logical page and the direction of print
                    with respect to the physical page.

     Argument:      <expC> is the command to designate Portrait or
                    Landscape Orientation.

                    "P" = Portrait
                    "L" = Landscape

     Returns:        0  Successful
                     1  <expC> not character
                     2  Invalid parameter

     Usage:         TXORIENT() is used to set your page orientation.
                    It should be used along with the other commands
                    used to setup your page. If used after issuing
                    print commands, the current page will be printed
                    and ejected.

     Example:       * Set orientation to landscape.
                    _ret_code = TXORIENT("L")

     See Also:      TXRMARGIN(), TXTMARGIN(), TXSETLPI()

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson